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About Caedmon
Another little boy, named Caedmon fights with the same blood disease (LCH) here in Singapore. Here is a link to their web page, hope he will be strong,
let's pray for him too,such a cutie,he is now having Chemo at KK hospital if I'm not mistaken.

About MaxHe went for check up to KK hospital,he got cough,they checked his blood and it was OK,the doctor wanted to admit Max in the hospital but mom Tuk refused,saying that he would only become more ill when staying at the hospital and he needs to be free to walk around with his 2 years of age,he didn't have any fever and he was eating good and still very playful,the doctor wasn't happy but Tuk didn't care,she wants her son to receive another chemo after when he's free from cough and let him enjoy first, they again found some small spots and she wants to make sure that all those spots are gone,I haven't been able too see Max since the 3rd of October,got a cold myself and did not want to spread it around,I stayed at home all the time,now I'm OK,going to meet Max soon I hope, I really miss all 3 of them but mostly Max ...