Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can't wait for tomorrow !!

He is having a lot of pain in his back,from the bone marrow test this morning,still ... nothing can stop him from getting ready for tomorrow,look at his excitement,woooh ... here I come :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

To cool to be true !!

Tomorrow Max is undergoing a bonemarrow test and it's going to take about a week or up to 10 day's, before the results of the test will be known.
His doctor is letting him out for the time being, he is nt happy all day locked up and mom have to suffer for that.
Now all are happy, looking forward to thursday, that will be the day the can go out.
See you soon Max ...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Got lucky today !!

Went to KK,never told anyone,surprise surprise,was lucky,Max was in good mood even do he wasn't in his best condition,got to hug and play with him,I bought him a little wood toy,a Zebra and he loved it ,I also bought some cookies ans a packet of coffee for mom(Tuk)and here some pictures ...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The glass window !!

Nasir and Liza tried to catch up with Max,yes they could meet him but only true a glass window at the door,still Max wasn't in a good mood,high fever,red eye,eyes and mouth in and out still swollen,not as much as yesterday but still a lot,sore trout,no appetite,no blood in his body,no friends,yeah my mood would be much worse than Max's mood,he looks so sad,seeing big brother but not being able to play with him,that's sad ...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Unpredictable !!

So sorry for Nadya who was so happy to visit Max today and couldn't. Reason!! Tuk called me a few minutes ago, asking me to cancel Nadya's visit today, I felt bad because she were already in the MRT, I guess on the way to there but what can we do, Max situation is always unpredictable, just now he received some Blood transfusion and had out of a sudden those scary side effects, face and mouth were swollen up, face colour changed to pale and than black, blood came out of his mouth, guess from the teeth, he suddenly vomited, everyone panicked and Tuk scared to loose her son, now everything seams to get better but we still have to wait, the doctors checked on him, it was probably a bad reaction due to the Blood transfusion, yesterday just another little patient (girl) had passed away, my deepest condolences to their family, that made Tuk more scared, how would you feel, everyday at the hospital, seeing over and over again all this little once dying, That's so sad but we can't do anything about it, Max wasn't allowed to get visitors in first place but Tuk felt bad for those who wanted to see Max, yesterday Vanessa, Lyn, Yusri and Indra came to visit, Indra couldn't bare to see all the kids at the cancer ward,he stayed outside the room, Max had bad mood all the time accept for a moment when they took his picture, no wonder the nights before he couldn't sleep well, kept on screaming all night long, now his mom is once again so exhausted, what kind of life is that, so please guys, try to understand the situation, its like a ticking bomb all the time, never knowing when the big burst is going to come ...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Moody Blues !!

Today Max got visited from Vanessa, Lyn, Yusri and Indra but he wasn't in a good mood, that are all side effects from is illness were moody swings are a typical sign, some more he can't tell us what's really bothering him, is it a pain, is it tiredness, his organs are also not that well and how would we feel if we don't have enough blood in our body, the thought about it already gives me shivers ...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Max talks the talk !!

WOW ... It's been 20days since I last had a look at Max, today nothing could stop me to meet him, he is so tiny, so cute, so talkative,took Lot's of pics as usual, he is not so well but he is still looks active and smiles a lot, high fever,still got virus,low white blood,he even got a blue mark under his eye,looks like someone gave him a box,ha ha, but no it's just from the low white blood,who would want to box Max?? LOL!! What can I say, I just love him, I bought him an Eeyore balloon an he was playing with it happily, I couldn't stay for long ... sob ... because we had to visit our latest new family member, yes my sis in law got a baby boy, very cute,very big 3600gram and his name is Md. Qaiser (KAISER in German means Emperor)same pronunciation diff spelling ...